About the industry

Facts & Figures

The medical technology industry is one of Europe’s most diverse and innovative sectors. Data on employment, trade flows and the high number of patents filed by medtech companies reveal the value our sector delivers to patients, health systems and economies in Europe.

Facts and figures picture

MedTech Europe’s Facts & Figures publication is an annually updated report with robust industry data compiled from multiple sources. It provides a snapshot of a large, dynamic industry, helping to inform the work of healthcare stakeholders, business leaders and policymakers.

The data show that Europe’s 37,000 medical technology companies invest heavily in improving technologies and developing breakthroughs that improve the lives of patients and other healthcare stakeholders. These companies, 90% of which are SMEs, drive economic growth, provide employment in Europe, and boost EU exports.

The ‘go to’ guide to Europe’s medtech sector

Fact & Figures is a unique source of information on the state of the industry. Updated every year, it draws on public sources, such as WHO, Eurostat and the European Patent Office statistics. This is supplemented with data from research companies which provide information on market size and trade, as well as offering a breakdown of the industry according to MedTech segments. In addition, national industry associations complete the picture by providing information on employment and companies.

These diverse sources ensure that the dataset is robust and reliable, making it the ‘go to’ publication for anyone interested in Europe’s MedTech sector. Facts & Figures is essential reading for international stakeholders seeking an up-to-date view of industry innovation and employment, SME activity, expenditure on medical technology, trade flows and market size in Europe.


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