The road ahead
MedTech Europe will seek to be an active partner throughout the Regulation’s implementation phase (foreseen until 2025) and beyond. As a member of the Stakeholder Network, maintaining a strong voice will involve: interactions with the European Commission, the Coordination Group’s medical technology configuration and respective subgroups, as well as engaging in a dialogue with the relevant stakeholders.
At this time, particular focus will be given to the new EU Regulation on HTA implementation and development of processes and fit for purpose methodologies/guidances. We consider as key factors of success:
- Transparency and clarity in the processes from the TIPS (Technology Identification, prioritisation, selection), the JSC and throughout the assessment process up to the uptake of the report.
- Acknowledgement of shortcomings in the JCA pilots; and the adoption of flexible and innovative methods as an adaptive approach to set high-quality standards to assess, at an appropriate time the value of medical technology innovation along the lifecycle. Hereby, reinforcing the need for a uniquely tailored approach. (see discussion paper)
- A fully inclusive process that involves the experts/expertise(incl. patients, healthcare professionals, HTD, …) from scoping to report finalisation.
- Securing high-quality assessment expertise in the field of medical technology.
At all times, any assessment on health technologies, that is to have true value, will need to have a clear purpose and use in national processes. The JCA reports need to be of added value to support decisions of adoption and investment/funding. Equally important is to have no interference with other legislations, avoiding the risk of ambiguity and duplication.
MedTech Europe’s overarching aim is to make the latest medical technology innovations available to European citizens while mitigating the risk of: delays in access to technologies for patients and healthcare systems; an increased burden for the medical technology industry and deprioritising Europe, as a preferred market to innovate.