Our Priorities

Value of Diagnostic Information (VODI)

In vitro diagnostics (IVDs) are non-invasive tests used on samples from the human body (e.g., blood, urine, or tissues) to determine the status of a person’s health. Their value resides in the quality of information they provide, which is timely, precise, and patient-specific.

IVD testing has become an indispensable tool in clinical practice. It can provide critical information at every step of the patient pathway, from prognosis, screening, diagnosis to monitoring the progression of disease, and predicting and assessing treatment responses. IVDs also play an increasing role in enabling personalised and cost-efficient healthcare delivery.

IVDs are complex interventions which can provide information on a wide range of different outcomes, depending on the contextual factors and the perspective taken. IVDs can deliver:

  • Improved patient outcomes
  • Better disease management by patients and healthcare professionals
  • Value of knowing for individual patients
  • Societal gains in early detection and the prevention of disease progression
  • Public health benefits from prevention of disease spreading
  • Economic savings and resource efficiencies for healthcare institutions and health systems

Essentially, IVDs provide valuable information resulting from diagnostic testing enabling users to make better informed decisions on the expected best course of action with less uncertainty.

In vitro diagnostics play a vital role in achieving better patient outcomes. Results of In vitro testing influence as many as 70% of clinical decisions, while accounting for less than 2% of total healthcare expenditure. The Value of Diagnostic Information is evident and benefits stakeholders across the healthcare community. For patients, IVDs can provide clinical benefits and empowerment through knowing and deciding about their conditions. They offer healthcare professionals the opportunity to improve patient management through a faster and better-informed clinical response. For healthcare providers, IVDs allow faster turnaround time with lower operational costs. Similarly for healthcare systems they offer economic efficiencies from improved patient triage, preventing disease progression to supporting a shift from hospital care to community care.

Despite their value proposition, IVDs are seldomly rewarded based on their benefits to health systems. As such, MedTech Europe, together with a broad group of stakeholders and experts has developed a comprehensive concept for the Value of Diagnostic Information (VODI). This framework explores ways to best define, evaluate, and reward the value created from diagnostics in healthcare and how to include these value considerations in decision-making processes.

At MedTech Europe we support the idea that the full value of diagnostic information should be captured, considering what matters to patients, society and all other players involved in healthcare delivery. This can be achieved by:

  • Educating patients and healthcare professionals to raise awareness of the Value of Diagnostic Information.
  • Enhancing the integration of diagnostic information in healthcare systems
  • Ensuring timely access to diagnostic technologies
  • Utilising the full range of benefits of diagnostic information in value assessment of IVDs
  • Building an enabling ecosystem that recognises and rewards the value of diagnostic information and hence incentivises future IVD innovation

If the full potential of diagnostic information is explored, MedTech Europe believes societal and individual health outcomes will improve sustainably.


Case-studies on the Value of Diagnostics Information

MedTech Europe has developed case-studies applying the Value of Diagnostic Information concept in practice to showcase the benefits of IVDs for patients, healthcare professionals, providers and systems. These cases relate to various diseases or therapy areas and help to illustrate the important role of IVDs in healthcare.

  • The Value of Diagnostics Information: the case of Heart Failure

    The Value of Diagnostics Information: the case of Heart Failure

    Heart Failure is a prevalent health condition as one in five people is expected to suffer from it at some point during her or his lifetime. A case study, conducted by MedTech Europe, explores how the information generated by In-Vitro Diagnostics, such as cardiac biomarkers, can bring value to each step of the Heart Failure patient journey and to all the stakeholders of the healthcare system. The results of the case study call on policymakers across Europe to better leverage this value and hence improve care plans for Heart Failure patients. You can find out more about the VODI concept applied to Heart Failure care by visiting the resources section of this page. Here you will find an informative two-pager and a series of infographics.

    Developed in collaboration with Executive Insight.

  • The Value of Diagnostic Information in Acute Respiratory Infections – Observations from the COVID-19 pandemic: Case Study

    The Value of Diagnostic Information in Acute Respiratory Infections – Observations from the COVID-19 pandemic: Case Study

    By carving out the value of diagnostic information in acute respiratory infections, this case study – conducted by MedTech Europe – highlights the need for appropriate policy actions to unlock the full potential of diagnostic information in times of public health crises – such as COVID-19 pandemic – and beyond.

    Developed in collaboration with Incisive Health, taking into consideration the available evidence at the time of writing.

  • The Value of Diagnostic Information in Cancer Care – Policy recommendations for a better future for cancer diagnostics in Europe

    The Value of Diagnostic Information in Cancer Care – Policy recommendations for a better future for cancer diagnostics in Europe

    MedTech Europe has compiled evidence demonstrating the importance of diagnostic information in cancer care. Laboratory diagnostics are critical at all stages of cancer care. With Europe’s Beating Cancer plan as a backdrop, the time has come to implement policy changes that will provide patients with better access to screening and early diagnostics while improving patient outcomes.

    This paper outlines five key recommendations for improving cancer care in Europe, focusing on National Cancer Plans, Cancer Inequalities, Patient Access, Value Assessment of Laboratory Diagnostics, and Healthcare System Preparedness.



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