Patrick Boisseau
Director Research and Innovation, MedTech EuropePatrick has joined MedTech Europe as of the 1st of September, as Director, EU Research & Innovation Partnership Policies. He will develop, promote, represent and lead the industry in EU Research and Innovation Partnerships or Programmes, working on European projects and interacting with the European Commission in the set-up, follow-up and coordination of European funding(ed) projects and any other similar EU initiatives.
Patrick will particularly lead MedTech Europe activities and representation in critical framework programmes such as Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe (2021 to 2027), EIT Health and others.
He was recently VP Europe at CEATech Healthcare Institute, based in Grenoble (France). He managed a significant number of EU collaborative projects, research infrastructures, coordination actions and networks of excellence. His scientific and technical expertise are in nanomedicine, drug delivery, medical imaging and innovative medical technologies. He is the [Patrick Boisseau] past Chairman of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine and the representative of MedTech Europe at the Inter-Association Task Force preparing the Public-Private Partnership on Health under Horizon Europe.
Patrick was educated as an agronomist at the National Agronomic Institute Paris-Grignon, and as an engineer at ENGREF (École Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts), together with a specialisation in DEA Nutrition Humaine at the University PARIS VI (France).
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