MedTech Europe fosters the dialogue to make value-driven health care delivery a reality!
Posted on 04.11.2019
MedTech Europe is committed to steering towards a value-driven, sustainable model, contributing to shape the health care of the future. A value-driven access and adoption of innovation model is crucial to provide patient-centered quality care, while considering also the perspective of the value for health care actors and the society. The implementation of value into real practice requires a mind-set revolution, and the recognition of this concept as a milestone to ensure the implementation of new solutions and rewarding the value created.
In October 2019, MedTech Europe facilitated several events to stimulate the discussion around key-policy themes.
• On 14 October, the MedTech Europe’s Strategic Value Advisory Group kicked-off.
• On 15 October the latest development towards a value driven access model were presented to the medtech Industry.
• On 24 October, different stakeholders were invited to take part in the workshop Information as an Enabler for Sustainable Value-Driven Healthcare Delivery in Europe to discuss the concept of the value of diagnostic information (VODI) within healthcare.