Document paper European Union MedTech Europe

European Union Commission Proposal for a ‘European Health Union’: MedTech Europe Feedback

MedTech Europe submitted its feedback to the Commission on the three proposed Regulations that are part of the European Health Union package: a strengthened role of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), a reinforced mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and stronger and more comprehensive rules for serious cross-border health threats.

MedTech Europe welcomes the objective of the European Commission’s proposed ‘Health Union’ package of 11 November 2020. We believe that better coordination and pooling of efforts are needed across the Union to strengthen Europe’s preparedness to tackle future public health emergencies. Nevertheless, MedTech Europe believes that the three regulations can be improved in several ways and calls on the co-legislator to take a few considerations into account.

Posted on 11.02.2021

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